We are focused on early detection of breast cancer

A device used to detect and monitor changes in breast tissue

Get to know the SenseGlove

Thousands of women lack the confidence when performing breast self-exams
35% of breast cancers are detected late

We are revolutionizing the way women monitor their breast health

The SenseGlove is a portable home medical device that works as a breast self-examination method and is linked to a mobile application

Why the SenseGlove?

We will remind you to perform home screening exams via email or mobile notifications
We provide all of the information on the self-examinations performed over time so that you can easily present the results to your doctor
You will not need complex know-how to perform the exam
Monitor your breast health in detail
You will control your breast health from the comfort of your home
Our goal is to simplify the interpretation of results and get women to the doctor as early as possible.
This solution is not a diagnostic device and it does not replaces additional diagnostic tests or routine consultations.
*Not all features are available in all jurisdictions.
To obtain a complete list of all the features available in your country, please contact Glooma directly.


"Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women. The most common symptom is self-palpation of a lump in the breast. This warning sign often leads women to consult their doctor for observation and evaluation. Therefore, it is essential to encourage self-palpation. The use of a sensory glove, an idea developed by Glooma®, can help detect changes in the breast and allow for early diagnosis of breast cancer. With that said, we are interested in participating in an experimental study to explore the potential of this device in the early diagnosis of breast lesions."
Dr. Rogelio Andrés-Luna
Surgeon specializing in Breast Surgery at Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte


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Our Team

Francisco Neto Nogueira
Co-founder & CEO
Frederico Stock
Co-founder & CFO/COO
Guilherme Stock
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Flávia Barreiro
Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Filipe Martins
Data scientist
Susana Fonseca
Community Manager & Communication

Our Partners

Parceiro 3DWays
Parceiro Citeve
Parceiro Inventa
Parceiro PMLJ
Parceiro Complear
Parceiro Simbex
Parceiro Nova
Parceiro Patient Innovation
Parceiro IPN
Parceiro Power Labs
Parceiro Evita
We work with successful partners to promote and raise awareness of breast health


Prémio Altice IA
Prémio DHS
Prémio Forward
Prémio PDA
Prémio Rise
Prémio Vodafone
Prémio WSA


Finalista Nova Startup Competition
Finalista HITT
Finalista Stem4Health
Finalista MC